Saturday 31 January 2009


Yesterday my allotment was cleared by some gardeners, so today it being fine and sunny I spent an hour turning over the ground and getting all the roots out. This is going to take a long time. I was calculating this area per week... by Easter I will have done quite a bit, maybe half.

At the bottom of the plot are some trees and under the trees I found about 6 paving slabs which will make very useful stepping stones. They weigh a ton, so I moved one by rolling it along bit by bit.

On the other side of the site a whole family were digging away, well and and running around playing, which seems like a good way to spend Saturday afternoon. I had the glow of going swimming and the satisfaction of ooh 2 square metres dug over. (I am very slow, but as I'm digging alone can remain blissfully unaware of just how slow.)

Then as a treat I ordered seeds from The Reel Seed Company, who are all into seed saving and unusual varieties, so we shall see.


Jane said...


Thanks for sharing this experience.Gardening is another of my loves, music being one you've already discovered.

I'll try to put something on the Oasis for you which I hope you'll find encouraaging and practically helpful. Do let me know whether gardening is new to you or whether you're a seasoned plantsperson. That will help me to write the piece for you. It won't be today, have to make a post on Candlemas for 'In the Sight of Angels', watch the midday Angelus from Rome, catch up with some email correspondence, do the washing and cook Sunday lunch......

Have a peaceful Sunday,
All the best,

leutgeb said...


I'm somewhere between beginner and seasoned plantsperson(?) In my last house I dug up half the lawn and grew veg. This plot is 10mx20m, so is massive for me. It's behind the house more or less though, so very handy. I'm going to branch out into soft fruit a bit, so am saving jam jars at the moment. I'm hoping that the long summer holiday will give me time when it's needed to tend everything.

Enjoy your Sunday. Sounds good.